Mototaka Fumimoto and pleasant friends

Congratulations! director. The director of a certain dental office opened the blog. It is "Mototaka Fumimoto and pleasant friends". This blog is very amuseing to me. There is Beverly Hills in this blog. What?! The staff of the dental office writing. How various!

I deeply respect the director, and envy. I will follow the director all the time.

Director and staff, wellcome to Blogosphere!


“Mototaka Fumimoto and pleasant friends” への2件のフィードバック

  1. thinksellのアバター

    Certainly, sir. I’ll do what I can to help you. Please enjoy the Blogosphere as much as you. I wish your success in Yokohama on October 14.

  2. Fumimotoのアバター

    Thank you for Mr. thinksell and your excessive evaluation.
    What story we can create in the Blogosphere is the enjoyment.
    Please follow me in the future.